How to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic and its consequences
23 Sep 2021 - Culture

Overcoming the pandemic
23 September 2021 – Florence participation and support to the hybrid conference “HOW TO OVERCOME THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC AND ITS CONSEQUENCES” held in Villa Salviati, at the headquarters of the European University Institute on gender medicine and the consequences of the pandemic, organized by Women20 and Former Members Association with the collaboration of the Historical Archives of the European Union, on the occasion of the Italian presidency of the G20, with the interventions of the President Enrique Barón Crespo and the Vice-President Monica Baldi together with the Secretary Andrea Ceccomori who played in front of the significant Gandhara painting by Sofia Gandarias: the “Message of Art” that Ars Pace presented in Assisi on 31 July at the “Ars Pace for Europe” event.
The proceedings of the conference are reported in the publication sponsored by Ars Pace “Overcoming the Pandemic” edited by Monica Baldi and Flavia Franconi, written in both Italian and English, published by the European Parliament Former Members Association and printed by the Historical Archives of the Union European in November 2021. The book contains both the Charta de Florentia, which indicates some recommendations addressed to Governments, and some important articles, specially written, by eminent personalities from the world of Institutions, Politics, Culture and Science. The common thread that binds the succession of interventions is the enhancement and adoption of a gender approach, as a necessary tool to analyse, and consequently respond, to the realities created by the health emergency, and beyond, starting from medicine up to to the labour market, social sphere, political and institutional dimension. Therefore, implementing gender medicine, with the aim of putting the person at the center with their past and present experiences, is the only way to achieve equity in health protection.
Below is the link to be able to read it in digital format